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Paramus Medical Center
30 W. Century Rd. Ste. 220, Paramus, NJ


Liposuction Paramus, New Jersey

Great Liposuction Results At An Affordable Price!

We offer three Free lymphatic massages to speed up your post-operative process.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Baldev Sandhu MD, is one of the leading specialists in Liposuction and will personally perform your Liposuction procedure. He is the author of “Doctor, Is Liposuction Right for me?” and specializes in body contouring to give you the body you once had! He uses the newest techniques of Liposuction including ultrasonic Liposuction. This is gentler on the body and allows fat to be removed more precisely. He may also utilize Radio frequency to tighten the skin if bagginess of the skin after Liposuction is a concern.

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Liposuction NJ Dr. BalDev Sandhu
liposuction new jersey book
Liposuction New Jersey Book

Call 201-337-6286 for a FREE evaluation to discuss your Liposuction Paramus, NJ situation!

liposuction nj before after

Liposuction improves the appearance of body areas that have concentrated amounts of visible fat. Through a vacuum-like process, the fat is removed, creating a smoother, more attractive body contour and better self image. Various Liposuction methods include the tumescent, fluid injection, ultrasound-assisted, and super-wet techniques. Common areas of treatment include the hips, waist, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, neck, chest, and calves.

The different types and areas of Liposuction are…

  1. Liposuction
  2. Thigh Liposuction
  3. Stomach Liposuction
  4. Tummy Liposuction
  5. Hip Liposuction
  6. Butt Liposuction
  7. Ultrasonic Liposuction
  8. Slim Lipo
  9. Lunchtime Lipo

Before & After Gallery

liposuction paramus
Thigh Liposuction
liposuction nj
Inner Thighs Liposuction
liposuction new jersey
Hips and Thighs Liposuction
liposuction paramus nj
Butt Liposuction
liposuction before after nj
But and Stomach Lipo
lipo paramus nj
Butt Lipo
lipo new jersey
Stomach and Hip Lipo
lipo paramus new jersey
Stomach Lipo

Liposuction NJ - FAQ

It can take just an hour up to several to perform Liposuction surgery. Time requirements vary quite a bit, depending on the size of the area being treated, the amount of fat being removed, and the technique being used.

Side effects may include temporary swelling, bruising, discomfort and numbness.

All surgical procedures carry risk of infection, bleeding, and reaction to anesthesia. Specific risks can include, asymmetry, rippling, skin injury, soreness and pigmentation changes.

Results are considered permanent, but do rely on the behavior of the patient. Healthy eating and a smart fitness plan need to be adhered to for the results to last.

  • Patients often feel comfortable returning to work about 5 to 7 days into the recovery period
  • Recovery from swelling and bruising usually takes about 10 to 14 days
  • The patient wears a compression bandage around the treated areas for about a month after surgery to assist with reduction of swelling
  • The final shape will develop over the 2-3 months following surgery

After surgery, discomfort and some pain will be felt, and can be controlled with doctor-prescribed pain medication.

The anesthesia of choice is usually local with sedation. General anesthesia may be opted for, depending on the volume of work being done but will incur additional costs.

Most Liposuctions can be done in the office.

For enhanced results, Liposuction Surgery is often combined with: 

  • Thermi Skin Tightening
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Thigh Lift
  • Buttock Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Breast Lift

Lipo, Ultrasonic Lipo, Lipoplasty, Suction Lipectomy and Slim Lipo

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Baldev Sandhu MD